Friday, September 14, 2012


I have been attempting to make some things I have found on Pinterest for my own 5th grade classroom this year.  Here are a few pictures of a few of the things I've made with a brief description of how I made it.

This is made with file folders and some duct tape.  It's a hanging folder that I can keep referrals and such in it.

 If you are curious how to make this.  Open all the file folders (I used 4).  They will nest inside one another.  I started with gluing the back of my second folder to the back of my first folder (just a little lower).  Then I glued the third one to the second one, then the bottom one to the third one.  I used a bit of duct tape at the top of each folder to have a visual divider.  After they were all attached, I used duct tape up the sides of the folders to close them.  I can't put too much in them, but they work for what I need.  You could add labels (I'm sure I will) and make all different sizes and colors!

This is my "Who's Out" board.  All students are assigned a number and move their magnets to the appropriate box when they leave the room.  It helps me keep things straight. 
I made this using the following materials
-cookie sheet
- ribbon
-scrapbook stickers
-scrapbook paper
-mod podge
-button magnets
- glass floral marbles

I use hot glue to glue the ribbon to the pan.  The numbers are made with scrapbook stickers on scrapbook paper.  That is mod podged to the marbles and allowed to dry.  After dry, I used hot glue to attach the marbles/paper to the magnets.  It has been great so far this year!  Kids love it.  I have it right by my classroom door and it's been a good classroom management tool.  

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