Saturday, February 25, 2012

Funny boy

Rhett is getting to the age where he is becoming much more fun and funny.  After being sick for a week with possible RSV and a double ear infection, he is being himself a bit more again.

Here are some of the recent things he has been doing.

Dancing, laughing, and banging pots and pans.

Playing in a tent with Dad


New niece!

Our new niece, Phoenix Emery, was born Sunday, February 19.  She was 7 lbs 8 oz and has the cutest chubby cheeks!  I really wish I could have been there and can't wait to meet her.  Rhett now has 8 cousins!  He misses all of his Indiana cousins and can't wait to see them again at Spring Break!


Rhett's cousins!

Monday, February 13, 2012

A cold February weekend

The (probably only) nice thing about your baby getting up at 5AM on a Saturday is all of the stuff you can get done! We had a nice productive morning of going to our favorite bakery where Rhett now eats part of a blueberry bagel and sits in a chair all by himself, Target, Costco, made a Nutella cheesecake, and went to see Andy, Cathy, and co. and went to the Playseum with them!

I think Rhett spent most of this weekend learning. He is doing new and exciting things every single day.

Friday night, he started putting both hands up and showing "touchdown" or "so big!". Saturday,  he started blowing kisses and standing unassisted for at least 10 seconds. He also started shaking his head no when you ask him a question or say no. We are working on "yes", but he just smiles and shakes his head no... We are going to continue to work on that.

Last night, I said splash and he splashed. Today, I told him to blow Daddy a kiss, and he did. I asked him to wave, and he did. I love that he is understanding what I'm saying and reacting to it. He is saying so much more (frequently in a very loud volume). I just love him so much and am so proud of my little boy.

He is also eating so much more (and we realize that he is eating much healthier than us). Today alone, he had cereal, papaya, pear, kiwi, applesauce, green beans, peas, carrots, and chicken quesadilla along with some puffs and snacks. He's going to be a big healthy boy! :)

Loves his bath

Playing in the sand at the Playseum


Playing the drums at the Playseum


Renate enjoyed painting

Looking at the birds

Andy & Karenna

Sunday, February 12, 2012


So, it's been a week since we went, but Rhett love the zoo. It was a bit chilly since we went early in the morning, but there weren't many people there and we saw several animals. He especially enjoyed the small mammal house and the exhibits down on his level. We couldn't believe that we hadn't gone sooner. This will be the first of many zoo trips!

Watching the gorillas

Rhett loves his Dad!

Watching the meerkats!


Outside the small mammal house.



Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rhett is 9 months old!

I can't believe our little boy is now 9 months old!  How time has flown!  He was 22 lbs. 10 oz and 29 inches at his 9 month check up.  He is doing so much!  He has been pulling to stand for a few months now.  He crawls at the speed of lightening and is quick to reach and grab (I really realized this when putting something in the oven the other day!).  He loves to eat and his favorite foods are oatmeal, mango, and squash (and really anything else he can put in his mouth, including books).  He is talking more every day.  He now says mama, dada, and baba and has started saying (what we think) is baa (bath), boo (book), and bah (ball) and hi and buh bye.  He waves and claps.  He has started to act shy around strangers and smiles and buries his face into our shoulder when they talk to him.  He is the sweetest, most loving little boy that I've ever known.  As much as I love to see him explore and learn, it makes me a bit sad to think that he isn't the little baby that I brought home from the hospital 9 months ago.  I am still so  proud to be his "mama."


 Oh, the joys of moving... 

So, we were told about 2 months ago that our lease would not be renewed because they were renovating all of the apartments in our complex in 2012.  We planned on renewing for another year, so this put us in a frustrating situation.  We decided to stay at the complex and get another apartment of the same size for a year, mainly because we didn't feel that we had time to look and we liked our location.  We were again frustrated about having to pay another application fee and a moving fee. 

After spending time packing all of our belongings and deciding to hire movers, we were (somewhat) ready.  Everything was ready to go for our Saturday move...movers were supposed to be there between 2-4, grandma was here to watch Rhett, and Andy & Cathy came to help.  Well, 4:00 comes and goes and no word from the movers.  4:30, 5:00, 5:30...still nothing.  After trying to call several times and no answer, I called the office and they told us that they would call them and have them call us.  At about 6:30 (and several calls later), they called to say it would be at least another hour.  Rhett starts bedtime at about 6:30 and was screaming and crying by this point.  Again, frustrating.

His crib was set up at the new place, our bed at our old place.
His food was at the new place, we didn't really have any food at either.
All the bedding was in boxes everywhere.
Everything was a mess.

The movers wanted to move us to the next day between their two appointments (we were the second appointment of Saturday).  Finally got them to move us to the "front of the line" on Sunday at 6:00 AM.  They came and did their job, but no discount or anything.  We will not be using 'Movers On Duty' again in the future. :(

Now we have been in our new place for a week.  It is nicer than our old place (and more expensive), but still is hard to get used to.  We had lived in our last apartment for 3 years; our first place after getting married.  It was sad to move.  So many firsts in our last place.  Now, we are adjusting to new neighbors, new sounds, and new views. 

After our unfortunate moving experience, I don't even want to think about moving again.  However, I think that this one bedroom won't fit the three of us for much longer. 

I want a house of our own.  In a neighborhood. Where Rhett can grow up.  Where we can do what we want.  It kind of makes me want to move back to Indiana where we can afford a nice, spacious house with a yard for Rhett to play in.  I don't know if that will ever happen (mainly because we both have really good jobs here), but it's nice to think about. 

Ok, rant over.