Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bad at this...

Ok, so I'm not the greatest at keeping up with this.  A lot has happened since the last time I posted, the biggest being that our little Rhett turned a year old! We also took a trip back to Indiana, celebrated Easter, celebrated mine and Jordan's birthdays, started "potty training" (not really, but all of a sudden Rhett started using the big potty A LOT!). 

Overall, this past month or so, we've done a lot of looking back at the past year or so and realizing how lucky we are and being very grateful. 

Here is a look at the nine months before Rhett was born.

And here is a look back at Rhett's first year.  So wonderful to see him growing up into a wonderful little boy! 

I can't believe our baby boy is a year old.  I continue to love him more and more with each day.  He amazes me each day with new things he is learning.